We had a great weekend. I've unpacked all of the air shipment and awaiting the sea shipment. It should be here in a couple of weeks. We now have a TV with plenty of channels. It just took 4 days to install! When we purchased our Television I didn't realize that the audio/video cables were not included. Our Tahoe was delivered on Saturday and Budget picked up the rental. The church we attend is called Saar Fellowship. We absolutely love it. Devin does good but he cannot make it thru the entire sermon. He gets so excited and starts screaming (laughing). At this time they don't have a nursery. So Jeremy & I rotate by taking him out.
Cody has been playing outdoor soccer at the Rugby Club. They have a tournament this Friday. Their first game is against a Saudi team. We'll keep you all posted.
Jeremy, Devin & I tried a new Italian Restaurant. It was very good. Cody was at school. We still can't adjust to the Mediterranean style. People eat so late...
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